yarn add --dev hardhat
- create a new hardhat projectyarn hardhat
- select a project you want to buildyarn add --dev solhint
- add a solidity lintersolhint --init
- init a solhint configurationyarn add --dev dotenv
yarn add @chainlink/contracts
- add chainlink contractsyarn hardhat compile
- compile smart contractsyarn add --dev hardhat-deploy
- add hardhat-deploy dependencyyarn add --dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers@npm:hardhat-deploy-ethers ethers
- add hardhat ethers dependencyyarn hardhat deploy --network polygon
- deploy contracts to a networkyarn hardhat deploy --tags mocks
- deploy script with onlyyarn hardhat deploy
- deploy all contracts with deploy folderyarn hardhat node
- run a node with all deployed contractsyarn hardhat deploy --network sepolia
- - style guide
- constructor
- receive function (if exists)
- fallback function (if exists)
- external
- public
- internal
- private
- view/pure
yarn hardhat test
- run tests,yarn hardhat test --grep "withdraw with multiple funders"
- run tests with grepyarn hardhat coverage
- get test coverage- - forum
yarn hardhat test --network sepolia
- run tests on sepolia- - best readme template