This terraform repository can create CI/CD Tool at many cloud providers, it currently can create Drone servers at
- DigitalOcean
At DigitalOcean it uses the following default configurations
Property | Value |
Image | centos-7-x64 |
Droplet name | drone |
Region | nyc1 |
Droplet size | s-1vcpu-1gb |
Here you can find out what variables this module requires when imported as a source inside other terraform module
Please stick to a tag, to guarantee the proper functioning of your code
- NEXT VERSION: Will update DigitalOcean Repository to have fixed directories for crt, key and docker-compose files
- VERSION 0.1: Digital ocean standalone version supported (this means only one droplet with one server and one worker inside)
- DigitalOcean provider for terraform has a known issue where a domain cannot be created with an IP address, this is a problem for this module and any other because there is no way to only register a domain using terraform without having an already existing Droplet, this means that you cannot have a module that only creates a domain and other modules that create the VMs after the domain is created, it requires always to have a VM created to register a domain, so you will be able to use this module to create one and only one server in digital ocean of, if you try to use this module to create a second module with an already registered domain terraform will create your server but will fail to register you A record, this is out of my hands until this issue is resolved Make ip_address optional for digitalocean_domain (as it is in DigitalOcean’s API)