Shows status of concurrent job execution in python/flask webapp
The installed version may be viewed at this URL:
The above URL should display a Google chart of Job phase times along with a table below indicating the job details. The site will mostly be up (occasionally brought down to update software).
Note: Refresh page, if response is tardy or page partially displayed. (This site is in the cloud (Digital Ocean), and may be in a swapped out state due to infrequent access, and the first subsequent request will be slow).
To deploy currently do the following:
- install python3.5.2 on the deployment machine
- install pip for this python version (pip35)
- Install the following: flask, flask-restful, flask-cors
- copy the files (directory tree) into $dir (or untar pyJobWeb.tar.gz into $dir)
- use: nohup python3.5 $dir/ > /tmp/pyjobweb.log 2>&1 & to start the job in the background