- Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 - ubuntu:trusty
- Melted
- Blackmagic Driver - desktopvideo_10.1.1a26
- If you have a blackmagic SDI card, you need to install the driver on your host system.
- The file /etc/blackmagic/BlackmagicPreferences.xml needs to be bound to the container for some reason.
- Comes with a default /etc/melted/melted.conf.
- Default melted.conf defines /srv/assets as melted root directory.
- Default melted.conf adds a Backmagic SDI output via "uadd blackmagic:0".
- Default melted.conf specifies mlt_profile=atsc_1080i_50,
- Blackmagic drivers are installed in the container, as this seems to be needed for the melted build to include blackmagic support.
- Privileged mode "--privileged" is not needed anymore.
- Use --net=host as melted tends to segfault in default network config. This is most likely not melteds fault, but dockers network proxy, which is used to redirect communication to localhost.
- You can bind your own melted.conf via docker volumes option
- You can bind your your assets somewhere else, if you specify a different location in melted.conf ... but why would you want this?
- I am currently specifying MLT_PROFILE both via "-e" docker env option and in melted.conf, as I do not know, if I can skip one. I would prefer, if I can simply specify the MLT_PROFILE via "-e", because this makes the docker image more versatile.
- Can I build blackmagic support without installing the drivers?
- Can I run with blackmagic consumer, if drivers are only installed on the host system?
- Can I run with different driver versions on host and in the docker image?
- If you want to run more than one unit on a given host, I recommend that you run several melted docker instances! You can map melted port 5250 to different host porst e.g. "-p 5251:5250" but you would not have to modify the docker image for that. I still need to test this part, but it seems you would then just map "--device /dev/blackmagic/dv1" and it would still work to do "uadd blackmagic:0", as melted does only see this one card. This is due to the fact, that a Decklink Quad for example shows up as 4 separate cards in your system, not as one with 4 outputs.
sudo docker create --name melted -i -t --net=host --device /dev/blackmagic/dv0 -p <OUTSIDE_PORT>:5250 -e MLT_PROFILE=atsc_1080i_50 -v <DIR_WITH_MELTED_CONF>:/etc/melted -v <DIR_WITH_VIDEO_FILES>:/srv/assets -v /etc/blackmagic/BlackmagicPreferences.xml:/etc/blackmagic/BlackmagicPreferences.xml trickkiste/type1tv-docker-melted
sudo docker create --name melted -i -t --net=host --device /dev/blackmagic/dv0 -p 5250:5250 -e MLT_PROFILE=atsc_1080i_50 -v /srv/elias/config/melted.conf:/etc/melted/melted.conf -v /srv/elias/assets:/srv/assets -v /etc/blackmagic/BlackmagicPreferences.xml:/etc/blackmagic/BlackmagicPreferences.xml trickkiste/type1tv-docker-melted
sudo docker start melted