- Thread safe file logger.
- Log shipping based on size.
- File Name support for custom formats
- Safe execution handles.
- .net framework is also supported.
Install-Package tiny.Logger
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
to add console logger please pass true use. this is very useful in systemd linux environments
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Trace",
"Microsoft": "Trace",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Trace"
"options": {
"file": "MYLOG_$|DATE[dd_MMM_yyyy HH_mm]|$.log", //<--- (1)
"path": "c:\\temp", //<--- (2)
"size": 5242880 //<--- (3),
"retention-duration": 30 // <--- (4)
- "file" => Name of file.
- available options
$|DATE|$ = for date without format -
$|DATE[FORMAT]|$ = customize format as per your need e.g. MYLOG_$|DATE[dd_MMM_yyyy HH_mm]|$.log => MYLOG_DATE01_JAN_2021 10_45.log
- available options
- path: folder path for log file
- available options
- using environment variables support %temp%\logs => C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Temp
- available options
- size
- minimum is 1048576 (1MB) in case of smaller value than 1MB will be ignored.
- if option is missing means disable log shipping based on size.
- retention duration in days
- number greater than 0. this means, delete old log file whos age is grater than specified number.
- if option is missing or 0 means do not clear old log files. .
namespace Sample
using tiny;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// first line of execution or before using logger....
Extensions.ConfigureTinyLogger(@"c:\temp", MinLogLevel: LogLevel.Trace, ...);
// Code to execute.
var data = new Data() { Property1 = "Some value" };
Extensions.LogInformation("First Log as information", data);
// Code to execute.
Use this option to wrap exuection with exception handling
public int Sample1Sum(int i, int j)
int k = 0;
_logger.ExecuteWithLog(() => { k = i + j; });
return k;
public int Sample2Sum(int i, int j)
return _logger.ExecuteWithLog<int>(() => i + j);
public int Sample3Sum(int i, int j)
return _logger.ExecuteWithLog<int>(() => i/0 + j, defaultResult: 0);
Extensions.ILogger.ExecuteWithLog(() =>
// code