This repo contains various small code samples I create while learning blockchain.
-'s Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course
This is a basic smart contract written in Solidity that I deployed to the Goerli Test Network using the Remix IDE for Ethereum. It allows transactions that add and retrieve "people" objects to and from the blockchain.
Here's the last deployment I made:
This is a solidity contract that allows users to create contracts based on SimpleStorage. Users can also set and retrieve properties from existing contracts.
Here's the last deployment I made:
This is a solidity contract that allows people to fund it using an Ethereum-based wallet such as MetaMask. It also allows the creator to withdraw funds.
Here's the last deployment I made:
This is a Python script that deploys the SimpleStorage smart contract to the Goerli test network and makes calls to the deployed contract's functions.