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Realtime graph data visualization library for React


Demo GitHub:

Package size: 28.6 kB Minified 7.2 kB Minified + Gzippedz

Table of contents


  • Plot line graph using
    • your own array of points
    • internal points storage
    • callback value function (adds points in intervals)
  • Customize CSS styling of any HTML elements of the package to suit your style by providing style object as parameter with appropriate HTML element ID, see GraphStyleI in /src/components/types.ts
  • Pause callback function
  • Export options
    • CSV
    • SVG (visible or full)
    • Points array
    • Access to internal variables


npm package

npm install realgraph



export interface GraphI {
  points?: pointsI
  width?: widthI
  height?: heightI
  interval?: intervalI
  count?: countI
  memory?: memoryI
  min?: minI
  max?: maxI
  style?: GraphStyleI
  isCallback?: isCallbackI
  getValueCallback?: getValueCallbackI
  active?: boolean
  formatCursorX?: formatCursorXI
  formatCursorY?: formatCursorYI
  axisEnableX?: axisEnableXI
  axisEnableY?: axisEnableYI
  axisHeightX?: axisHeightXI
  axisWidthY?: axisWidthYI
  axisTitleX?: axisTitleXI
  axisTitleY?: axisTitleYI
  axisXSectionCount?: axisSectionCountI
  axisYSectionCount?: axisSectionCountI
  formatAxisX?: formatAxisXI
  formatAxisY?: formatAxisYI
  axisPositionX?: axisPositionXI
  axisPositionY?: axisPositionYI
  isGraphMoving?: isGraphMovingI
  graphMovingRate?: graphMovingRateI
  • points?: Array<{ x: number y: number }>:
    • List of points where x represents Unix time and y value on the graph
    • Use when you want to use your own custom list of points
      • Pair with isCallback={false} and isGraphMoving={true}
  • width?: number
    • Graph width (excluding width of Y axis)
  • height?: number
    • Graph height (excluding height of X axis)
  • interval?: number
    • Delay for calling callback function in [ms]
  • count?: number
    • How many points are visible in the graph
  • memory?: number
    • Maximum size of the array of points being stored and plotted withing the graph
  • min?: number
    • Minimum value shown in the graph
  • max?: number
    • Maximum value shown in the graph
  • style?: GraphStyleI
  • isCallback?: boolean
    • Whether callback function should be called each interval [ms]
  • getValueCallback?: () => number
    • Callback function
  • active?: boolean
    • When false, graph will show last point to the right and any additional rendering will not update X axis position of these points, only adding new points will move the graph to the left
    • When true, points on the graph that were re-rendered will be correctly position on the X axis
  • formatCursorX?: (value: number) => string | number
    • Function for formatting cursor X axis value
  • formatCursorY?: (value: number) => string | number
    • Function for formatting cursor Y axis value
  • axisEnableX?: boolean
    • Whether to turn on X axis
  • axisEnableY?: boolean
    • Whether to turn on Y axis
  • axisHeightX?: number
    • Height of X axis
  • axisWidthY?: number
    • width of Y axis
  • axisTitleX?: string
    • X axis title
  • axisTitleY?: string
    • Y axis title
  • axisXSectionCount?: number
    • Number of sections on the X axis
  • axisYSectionCount?: number
    • Number of sections on the Y axis
  • formatAxisX?: (value: number) => number | string
    • Function for formatting values shown on X axis
  • formatAxisY?: (value: number) => number | string
    • Function for formatting values shown on Y axis
  • axisPositionX?: 'TOP' | 'BOTTOM'
    • Whether to show X axis on the top or the bottom side of the graph
  • axisPositionY?: 'LEFT' | 'RIGHT'
    • Whether to show Y axis on the left or the right side of the graph
  • isGraphMoving?: boolean
    • Whether to rerender the points in the Graph with graphMovingRate [Hz] rate
  • graphMovingRate?: number
    • Value in Hertz [Hz] representing how often to re-render points in the graph

Basic example

import Graph from 'realgraph'

function Example() {
  return (
      width={500} // Manually set graph width (excluding axis)
      height={500} // Manually set graph height (excluding axis)

Sine function

import Graph from 'realgraph'

function Example() {
  return (
      max={1.1} // Maximum value in a graph
      min={-1.1} // Minimum value in a graph
      count={50} // Number of points in a graph at a time
      interval={100} // Delay between callbacks in milliseconds
      interval={100} // Delay between callbacks in milliseconds
      axisXSectionCount={1} // Number of sections on X axis
      axisYSectionCount={6} // Number of sections on Y axis
      width={width} // Manually set graph width
      height={height} // Manually set graph height
      getValueCallback={() => {
        return Math.sin( / 1000)

Using own list of points

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import Graph from 'realgraph'

function Example() {
  // Default points
  const [points, setPoints] = useState([
    { x: - 1200, y: 10 },
    { x: - 700, y: 30 },
    { x: - 300, y: 80 },

  // Adding new points in intervals
  useEffect(() => {
    const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
          y: 100 * Math.random(),
    }, 500)
    return () => {

  return (
      points={points} // Provide points to Graph
      isCallback={false} // Do not call callbacking function
      isGraphMoving={true} // Graph moves in realtime
      max={110} // Maximum value in a graph
      min={-10} // Minumum value in a graph

Adding points to internal Graph list of points

import { useEffect, useRef, ForwardedRef } from 'react'
import Graph from 'realgraph'

function Example() {
  // Define ref
  const ref: ForwardedRef<graphExportRefI | null> = useRef(null)

  // Adding new points in intervals
  useEffect(() => {
    const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
      if (ref && ref.current) {
        ref.current.addPoint(100 * Math.random())
    }, 500)

    return () => {

  return (
      ref={ref} // Pass your ref and get access to additional functions
      isCallback={false} // Do not call callbacking function
      isGraphMoving={true} // Graph moves in realtime
      max={110} // Maximum value in a graph
      min={-10} // Minumum value in a graph

Export options

import { useRef, ForwardedRef } from 'react'
import Graph from 'realgraph'

function Example() {
  const ref: ForwardedRef<graphExportRefI | null> = useRef(null)

  return (
        width={width} // Manually set graph width
        height={height} // Manually set graph height

        onClick={() => {
          if (ref && ref.current) console.log('points', ref.current.getPoints())
        Console log points

        onClick={() => {
          if (ref && ref.current) ref.current.downloadCsv()
        Download CSV

        onClick={() => {
          if (ref && ref.current) ref.current.downloadSvg()
        Visible graph SVG

        onClick={() => {
          if (ref && ref.current) ref.current.downloadSvgFull()
        Full graph SVG

Custom style

import Graph from 'realgraph'

const style = {
  graphOuterContainer: {
    background: 'linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(9,32,74,1) 0%, rgba(20,66,147,1) 100%)',
  cursorCircle: {
    fill: 'white',
  cursorLineVertical: {
    stroke: 'white',
    strokeDasharray: '1,10',
  cursorLineHorizontal: {
    stroke: 'white',
    strokeDasharray: '1,10',
  cursorLineHorizontalText: {
    fontWeight: '200',
    style: {
      fill: 'white',
  cursorLineVerticalText: {
    fontWeight: '200',
    style: {
      fill: 'white',
  axisXTitle: {
    color: 'white',
    fontWeight: '200',
  axisXText: {
    color: 'white',
    fontWeight: '200',
  axisYTitle: {
    color: 'white',
    fontWeight: '200',
  axisYText: {
    color: 'white',
    fontWeight: '200',
  axisXSvg: {
    fill: 'white',
  axisYSvg: {
    fill: 'white',
  axisXLine: {
    stroke: 'white',
  axisYLine: {
    stroke: 'white',
  graphPath: {
    stroke: 'white',
    strokeWidth: '1',

function Example() {
  return (
      width={width} // Manually set graph width
      height={height} // Manually set graph height
      style={style} // Custom style

Missing features

  • Make the Graph component automatically resizable to fit the parent element
  • Optional offset parameter
  • Slider option to check the history
  • Point graph option
  • Add tests
  • Documentation with git integration
  • Handling multiple lines in 1 graph

Known bugs

  • Graph slows down on inactive tab (energy saving browser feature)