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action item for an incident
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue or pull request already exists
High effort changes (M * 2)
Medium effort changes by the team's standards (default)
Low effort changes (M * 0.5)
Very high effort changes (M * 5)
Very low effort changes (M * 0.2)
End-user visible changes intended to create customer value
Changes intended at mitigating risks
Changes intended at preserving our ability to evolve the software safely and effectively
Extra attention is needed
prioritized tasks for the team's on-call person
Further information is requested
code to address reliability issues
code to address defects in shipped code
work needed to keep the product and development running smoothly
code contributing to the implementation of a feature and/or user facing functionality
code to address security issues
This will not be worked on
You can’t perform that action at this time.