2 node cluster, each node consisting of graphite/grafana/haproxy
git clone https://github.com/pythianreese/monitoring-graphiteclustertesting.git
####install modules
cd monitoring-graphiteclustertesting
r10k puppetfile install -v
####run puppet
change variables in site.pp to match yours
puppet apply site.pp --modulepath=./modules
HAPROXY: node 1 => http://haproxy1_ip/haproxy?stats
HAPROXY: node 2 => http://haproxy2_ip/haproxy?stats
Elasticsearch head: node 1 => http://graphite1_ip/_plugin/head/
Elasticsearch head: node 2 => http://graphite2_ip/_plugin/head/
Graphite: => http://graphiteweb_vip/
Grafana: => http://graphiteweb_vip/grafana/