pronouciation / he/him
I'm a site reliability engineer, a maker and a all-around hacker.
CadQuery and OpenSCAD are my CAD tools of choice.
catchnhole: an ergonomic way to create nutcatches and bolt holes in OpenSCAD | |
queryabolt: an ergonomic way to create nutcatches and bolt holes in CadQuery | |
next-bolt: putting some OpenSCAD Computer Assist into your bolt length choices | |
...and a ton of other OpenSCAD libraries |
PCB Jigify!: generate holding and testing jigs for your PCBs directly from your PCB files | |
Rapiscope: rack and pinion-adjustable, rapidly 3D-printable, Raspberry Pi-based digital microscope for soldering |
The Swoon: a WIP fork of the FoldaRap project intended at upgrading the design with belted Z (✓), linear rails and EVA 3.0 compatibility | |
Lighting (top, side), camera & feet setup for my Prusa i3 MK3s+ |
Trying to make model rocketry more accessible and DYI:
Launch Controller 0: very simple model rocket launch controller | |
Launch Pad 1: launch pad for model rocket based around 2020 aluminium extrusions | |
SV Entire Thing: small, fully 3D-printed model rocket hull for testing designs |
- Raspberry Pi pi-gen + Packer - building custom Raspberry Pi OS images from scratch, with Packer