This is a simple demo app built with Gatsby to understand how to adopt and include important a11y practices in React. To participate in my Twitter poll to vote for an extended version of this short workshop, let me know your thoughts here: .
Clone this repo
Run the app in development mode
Navigate into the project's directory, install dependencies, and start it up!
cd gatsby-a11y-demo yarn install gatsby develop
Open the source code and start editing!
Your site is now running at
! Get your hands dirty and have fun!
Your turn! Once you set up this project on your device locally, switch to the a11y-fixes
branch and test out the changes by running the app. Compare it with the inaccessible version in the master
branch and see how the new changes improve the a11y of our app.
In order to switch branches and run the app, run the following commands:
git checkout a11y-fixes
gatsby develop
Awesome! I'd love to hear your thoughts on what you observed. DMs open @vishwamehta30.
I always come bearing gifts! Here are some awesome a11y resources I learned from and personally love. Have fun, folks!