Simple terminal game of guessing numbers.
Bounds and number of guesses are set in settings.txt. Type "e" to exit.
- min_val - minimum value of number guessed
- max_val - maximum value of number guessed
- n_lives - number of guesses player can make during one game
- logging - logging enabled (1) / disabled (0)
- fast_logging - if logging enabled script uses more resource safe logger at 0, more fast and less resource safe at 1
- reminder_period - period (in seconds) after which to remind to get some rest from the game
- max_n_reminders - number of reminders, each would be
seconds from previous or from the game start
Typical games session looks like this:
Reading the settings.
min_val: 0
max_val: 10
n_lives: 3
logging: 1
fast_logging: 0
reminder_period: 500
max_n_reminders: 3
Read all
Settings are loaded.
Reminders are enabled
Logging is enabled
Safe logging mode
write you guess: 1
Nope. This is not a 1
write you guess: 2
Nope. This is not a 2
write you guess: 3
Nope. This is not a 3
No more lives
End of game loop
Wanna rerun? y / n: y
Ok, let's rerun
Logging is enabled
Safe logging mode
write you guess: 1
Nope. This is not a 1
write you guess: 2
You guessed! Game over.
End of game loop
Wanna rerun? y / n: n
Ok, no rerun for you
Reminders are disabled
make # Builds the project
./bin/game # Runs the executable
make clean # Cleans up build files