Stubmaker is a simple library that generates (no runtime reflection) a stub implementations for annotated interfaces. Stubmaker can be useful in scenarios where there is a need to execute application in lower environment or under test with some componnets stubbed to prevent from communicating with external services, e.g. component that sends confirmation email.
Note: Stubmaker requires JDK 17.
Add following to maven-compiler-plugin
plugin configuration
Annotate your interface with @MakeStub
import stubmaker.annotation.MakeStub;
import java.util.Optional;
public interface UserRepo {
record User(String id, String fullName) {}
record NewUser(String fullName) {}
Optional<User> get(String id);
void create(NewUser newUser);
void delete(String id);
- Stub class will be generated under the same package as your interface.
methods will be generated on the stub to allow defining responses for given arguments- Generated classes can also function as Fakes by providing functions to modify internal data
Defining stub interactions
var userRepo = new UserRepoStub();
userRepo.when_get("100", Optional.of(new UserRepo.User("100", "Marcin K")));
userRepo.when_get("101", Optional.of(new UserRepo.User("101", "John Wick")));
userRepo.when_get((params) -> Optional.empty()); // for any other input
// somewhere else
doSomethingWithUser(String userId, UserRepo userRepo) {
var user = userRepo.get(userId);
var userRepo = new UserRepoStub();
userRepo.when_create((params, allData) -> {
var id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // generate unique ID for user
var param = new UserRepoStub.GetParams(id); // create param object, a key in data_get map
var user = new UserRepo.User(id, params.newUser().accountId(), params.newUser().fullName()); // create user record
allData.data_get().put(param, Optional.of(user)); // add user record
return id;
See more usage examples in annotation-usage