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TNC(1x) TNC(1x)
tnc - Random trade & commerce data generator for MegaTraveller
tnc out_file
Tnc is a trade & commerce generator which produces random
lists of freight, cargo, and passengers, based on attributes
of a source and destination star-system pair, plus the abilities
of the crew negotiating for those goods.
Tnc expects 1 parameter, which is an output filename where
the randomly generated data will be written.
Tnc is an interactive program and solicits information from
the user which it uses to modify it's output. The user will
be prompted for the following information:
o The UWP of the source world.
o The following skill levels for the crew of the freighter
bidding for the goods: Steward, Admin, Streetwise, Broker,
and Liaison.
o The population of the destination world.
o The Tech. level of the destination world.
o Whether or not the destination world is an Amber or
Red Zone.
Tnc applies additional cost modifiers to Major, Minor, and
Incidental cargo lots, to add 'flavor' to the results. All
prices for Natural Resource cargos are multiplied by 40%, prices
for Processed Resource cargos are multiplied by 70%, prices for
Information cargos are multiplied by 110%, and prices for
Novelty cargos are multiplied by 200%. Since these modifiers
produce exactly the same effect on sale as they do on purchase,
they have no effect on the game other than adding 'local color'.
If you do not wish to use them, they can easily be removed from
the source code. Each 2-line section of code is enclosed by
comments reading "NON-STANDARD MT cost modifiers", and can easily
be deleted.
Tnc was developed by Mark F. Cook, Hewlett-Packard Company
([email protected]).