Poison is a new JSON library for Elixir focusing on wicked-fast speed without sacrificing simplicity, completeness, or correctness.
Poison takes several approaches to be the fastest JSON library for Elixir.
Poison uses extensive sub binary matching, a hand-rolled parser using several techniques that are known to benefit HiPE for native compilation, IO list encoding and single-pass decoding.
Preliminary benchmarking has sometimes put Poison's performance closer to
, and almost always faster than existing Elixir libraries.
First, add Poison to your mix.exs
def deps do
[{:poison, "~> 2.0"}]
Then, update your dependencies:
$ mix deps.get
defmodule Person do
@derive [Poison.Encoder]
defstruct [:name, :age]
Poison.encode!(%Person{name: "Devin Torres", age: 27})
#=> "{\"name\":\"Devin Torres\",\"age\":27}"
Poison.decode!(~s({"name": "Devin Torres", "age": 27}), as: %Person{})
#=> %Person{name: "Devin Torres", age: 27}
Poison.decode!(~s({"people": [{"name": "Devin Torres", "age": 27}]}),
as: %{"people" => [Person]})
#=> %{"people" => [%Person{age: 27, name: "Devin Torres"}]}
Every component of Poison -- the encoder, decoder, and parser -- are all usable
on their own without buying into other functionality. For example, if you were
interested purely in the speed of parsing JSON without a decoding step, you
could simply call Poison.Parser.parse
iex> Poison.Parser.parse!(~s({"name": "Devin Torres", "age": 27}))
%{"name" => "Devin Torres", "age" => 27}
iex> Poison.Parser.parse!(~s({"name": "Devin Torres", "age": 27}), keys: :atoms!)
%{name: "Devin Torres", age: 27}
Note that keys: :atoms!
reuses existing atoms, i.e. if :name
was not
allocated before the call, you will encounter an argument error
You can use the keys: :atoms
variant to make sure all atoms are created as
needed. However, unless you absolutely know what you're doing, do not do
it. Atoms are not garbage-collected, see
Erlang Efficiency Guide
for more info:
Atoms are not garbage-collected. Once an atom is created, it will never be removed. The emulator will terminate if the limit for the number of atoms (1048576 by default) is reached.
iex> IO.puts Poison.Encoder.encode([1, 2, 3], [])
Anything implementing the Encoder protocol is expected to return an IO list to be embedded within any other Encoder's implementation and passable to any IO subsystem without conversion.
defimpl Poison.Encoder, for: Person do
def encode(%{name: name, age: age}, options) do
Poison.Encoder.BitString.encode("#{name} (#{age})", options)
For maximum performance, make sure you @derive [Poison.Encoder]
for any struct
you plan on encoding.
$ mix deps.get
$ MIX_ENV=bench mix compile.protocols
$ MIX_ENV=bench elixir -pa _build/bench/lib/\*/ebin -pa _build/bench/consolidated -S mix bench
Poison is released into the public domain (see UNLICENSE
Poison is also optionally available under the ISC License (see LICENSE
meant especially for jurisdictions that do not recognize public domain works.