Collection of patches and small enhancements for GCconnex (Government of Canada instance of Elgg)
Module Dependencies
Installation Guide
Module Dependencies
does not require any modules to run
- Installation Guide
put in root mod directory .../mod/
enable module
- [enhance] places a notice on every edit/add pages, to inform users that documents must not be secret
- [issue] adds a new tab in the Tasks section, displays the tasks assigned to user - after tasks
- [enhance] ??? removed avatar update and friend request in the activity feed (activity feed + widgets)
- [enhance] inbox username will direct user to said user's pages - after messages
- [issue] default number of replies to a discussion thread will be 25 that will be displayed - after groups
- [issue] fix to the memcache problem - after au_subgroups X [issue] ??? uservalidation page within the administrative rights does not display correctly - after uservalidationbyemail
- [enhance] displays the last login/activity on the user profile page, under their avatar - after profile
- [issue] fix to the ideas widget where it displays max of 3 - after ideas
X removed/purged [enhance] enhancement that are implemented [issue] issues that are patched