Meta related task such as build, test, linting, maintainers.json etc.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Don't merge until this label is removed
This issue or pull request already exists
Changing current behaviour, enhancing what's already there
Speculative functionality or implementation
This issue is specifically for those who are new contributors.
Pull requests that update Github_actions code
Hacktoberfest issues! Everyone allowed <3
Make this PR count for hacktoberfest
Security related issue or change
sync 🔄
sync :arrows_counterclockwise:
Sync an exercise with the latest version of the problem-spec
Preparing for Exercism v3
This won't be applied, fixed, worked on, continued.
Work on something from scratch
Improve existing functionality/content
Sync content with its latest version
Comprehensive Exercism knowledge required
Little Exercism knowledge required