Containers-Toolkit is a Windows PowerShell module for downloading, installing, and setting up default configs for Containerd, BuildKit, Windows CNI plugin, and nerdctl.
COMING SOON: We are currently working on publishing this module to PS Gallery to make it easier to import the module
Manually import this module using:
Import-Module -Name <absolute-path>\containers-toolkit.psd1 -Force
Clone containers-toolkit into one of the folder locations in the $env:PSModulePath
environment variable.
To get a possible module path:
cd <module path>
git clone
Import-Module -Name containers-toolkit -Force
Clone containers-toolkit to a folder location of choice and add the new module location to the Windows PowerShell module path
cd <module path>
git clone
$env:PSModulePath = "$env:PSModulePath;<path-to-module-directory>"
Import-Module -Name containers-toolkit -Force
Get-Help containers-toolkit
Get-Module -Name containers-toolkit
- List of all available commands can be found in the Command reference section
- Detailed command reference for each cmdlet can be found in the About section
Get-Command -Module containers-toolkit
Get help for Install-Containerd command
Get-Help Install-Containerd
List container tools (Containerd, BuildKit, and nerdctl) install status
Installs Containerd version 1.7.7 at 'C:\Test\Path\containerd' and adds 'C:\Test\Path\containerd' in the environment path.
Install-Containerd -Version "1.7.7" -InstallPath 'C:\Test\Path\Containerd'
Requires elevated PowerShell to run some commands.
To use these tools (Containerd, BuildKit, and nerdctl), ensure that Containers and HyperV Windows features are enabled.
To get the features to enable, use:
Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | `
Where-Object { $_.FeatureName -like 'containers' -or $_.FeatureName -match "Microsoft-Hyper-V(-All)?$" } | `
Select-Object FeatureName, Possible, State, RestartNeeded
To enable a feature:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName '<Feature-Name-Here>' -All -NoRestart
- Error when running Import-Module
- Pipeline configuration
- Publish module to PSGallery
- Fix Code analysis warnings
- Dev install: (Hacks) Add functions in Containerd and BuildKit to build from source files. (Is this really necessary? May be an overkill)
- Publish to Microsoft Learn: MicrosoftDocs / Virtualization-Documentation
- Rename this module to containerstoolkit: The current name for this module might cause confusion with repository named windows-containers-tools
- Update (Documentation)
- Update containers-toolkit/containers-toolkit.Format.ps1xml (Documentation)
- Update Containers-Toolkit/ (Documentation)
- Use Containers-Toolkit
- Add Pester test
- Replace GitHub username in URL:
Rootless installation: Not needed for Windows
This project builds on work done by others to create a PowerShell module.