Email self a summary of monthly Strava activity.
Mostly to play around with the Strava API and email formatting
Clone locally.
Followed this awesome article to set up own application and set up to get refresh token with read_all scope
Create a file as a copy of and substitute the following:
- client_id - int: from My API application
- client_secret - string: from My API application
- refresh_token - string: follow the linked blog to get this token, requires authorizing your account then making an additional post request
- sender_address - string: email address to send the summary from, I created a developer gmail account just to test this out
- sender_pword - string: password for the above account
- receiver_address - string: email to send the results to
- Create a file run-strava.bat containing:
"<path to python>\python.exe" "<path to root of repo>\notebooks\" pause
- use Task Scheduler to set run-strava.bat to run on the first of every month at e.g. 8am