This project contains some base files and directories to start a new Drupal 7 Project.
Basically it contains:
- a drush alias file
- a simple apache vhost conf file
- a tailored .gitignore file
- a drush make file containing some basic modules and libraries
- a behat.yml.dist file, containing the template for the behat configuration
- a phing build.xml file, containing some targets to build the site in the local, dev and stage environments
- some files, containing the variables belonging to each environment
- a composer.json file, containing all the dependencies needed by behat and phing
- a phpunit.xml, containing the config for running phpunit tests
- a features directory, containing some behat files and a sample feature file with two scenarios
- a sites directory, containing some basic directories laid out
- a test directory, containing the phpunit's bootstrap file and some utility classes for testing
How to startup the local environment:
- install composer (
- replace all the instances of "mysite" and "mycompany" with the actual names of the site and company you need, both in file contents AND file names
- configure the right parameters in the, and files.
- start a sql database (MySQL, for instance)
- initialize dependencies using
composer install
- let phing build the local environment by typing
bin/phing loc-app -verbose