Releases: Verizon/AcUtils
AcUtils v1.6.4
The new example program MoveTo is a console program that moves elements in the folder at the command line (workspace tree source location), to the folder given as the command line argument (workspace tree destination location).
The AcUtils version number has been bumped to target .NET Framework version 4.6.1 shipped with Windows 2012 server.
AcUtils v1.6.3
New PromoRights.cs example lists all users and their promote command privileges for streams in select depots. Useful for governance and audits.
PromotionRights.cs example renamed to Locks.cs with an improved doc description.
Small refactoring change in AcRules.cs using the SelectMany LINQ operator.
Links in the AcUtils documentation that reference AccuRev web help now point to version 7.2 help.
AcUtils v1.6.2a
AcUtils v1.6.2 with the following example program changes:
- New PromoCount.cs example reports the number of promote transactions and versions promoted per user and stream that occurred in select streams during a specified time period.
- New XLinked.cs example reports all cross-linked elements found in the repository for one or more element types.
- The HTML pages generated by LatestOverlaps.cs and LatestPromotions.cs are now valid and contain internal style sheets.
- Many existing examples have logic that has been simplified by using the SelectMany LINQ operator. See ShowRules.cs for a good example.
AcUtils v1.6.2
AcDate2DateTime(long seconds) now returns null when seconds equal zero (0).
Corrected AcStream class property 'StartTime' library definition.
Added a Contributing notice to the file.
Minor code and doc updates.
AcUtils v1.6.1
New example WSpaceTransLevel.cs: For workspaces in select depots, show the depot's latest transaction the last time the workspace was successfully updated. Flags workspaces that are in an inconsistent state (update cancellation/failure) by displaying their update and target levels.
New example LatestOverlaps.cs: Creates an HTML file with promotions to streams in select depots within the past specified number of hours that have one or more versions with overlap status.
Removed the deprecated Hist class and supporting classes from the library in favor of LINQ to XML for processing hist command results.
Changed the transaction list implementation in the LatestPromotions.cs example from using the (defunct) Hist class to one that uses LINQ to XML. The stat command has been added to get each stream's default group and report the version's status in the HTML output file. All stat and hist commands run in parallel resulting in a huge performance gain.
New extension methods added to the Extensions class that return version attribute values: acxWSpaceName, acxWSpaceOwner (workspace owner's principal name), acxStreamVersion (real or virtual stream and version numbers), and acxStreamName (real or virtual stream name).
Changed AcWorkspace class property name 'LastUpdate' to 'FileModTime' and corrected its library definition.
Changed WsType enum name 'Workspace' to 'Standard' to align with AccuRev's definition.
Fixed the AcDuration class so sort works as documented in all cases.
Minor code and doc updates.
AcUtils v1.6.0
In addition to AcUsers, you can now report progress during AcRules and AcDepots list construction and AcGroups membership initialization.
"dynamic" has been added to the StreamType enum for the server_master_trig.
Some refactoring, reduced garbage collection and documentation updates.
AcUtils v1.5.1a
Two new example programs:
• Triggers.cs: Show all triggers in the repository that were created with the mktrig command.
• LatestTransactions.cs: Generates an Excel worksheet with the latest transactions for all depots. The list is in reverse chronological order so the most recent activity in the repository is on top. Uses MS Office interop so Excel must be installed. [Tested with Excel 2010.]
AcUtils v1.5.1
Add gated and staging stream types to StreamType enum.
Fix Index Out of Range error in Stat.init. An exception would occur when no virtual or real values were present in the XML.
AcUtils v1.5.0
To reduce the risk of the AccuRev server becoming unresponsive due to an excess of commands, the maximum number of commands that will run simultaneously for a client application is now eight (8). Other commands are queued until space is available. You can override this default value by creating the environment variable ACUTILS_MAXCONCURRENT and specifying a different number, e.g. ACUTILS_MAXCONCURRENT=12.
Improved performance and the avoidance of potential deadlocks with GUI applications.
The UserElement name field has been removed as it offered no practical value.
Links in the AcUtils documentation that reference AccuRev web help now point to version 7.0.1 help.
AcUtils v1.4.1a
AcUtils v1.4.1 with the EvilTwins.cs example included.