Tempo Android Library releases
- Add below code in setings.gradle file under repositories section
repositories {
- Add the below line in build.gradle file under dependencies. Use the latest release number (0.0.x)
dependencies {
implementation 'io.github.tempo-platform:tempo-android-sdk:0.0.11'
- This allows you to import the library
import com.tempoplatform.ads.InterstitialView
- Checking a new .aar file to the repo
- Go to releases in Github. Then click on "Draft a new release". Add a new tag 0.0.x (increment the last digit)
- Go to jitpack.io and paste the url "https://github.com/Tempo-Platform/tempo-android-sdk-release" in search bar. Wait for the built to succeed. Fix errors if any.
- That is all, you can now use the library with the new tag you created above.
- Add below code in setings.gradle file under repositories section
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Add the below line in build.gradle file under dependencies. Use the latest release number (0.0.x)
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Tempo-Platform:tempo-android-sdk-release:0.0.4'
- This allows you to import the library
import com.tempoplatform.ads.InterstitialView