A template for creating Obsidian plugins using Svelte and TypeScript.
This template provides a modern development environment for building Obsidian plugins:
- Frontend Framework: Svelte for reactive UI components with minimal boilerplate
- Build System: Vite for fast development and optimized builds
- Styling:
- Tailwind CSS v4.x beta for utility-first styling
- Note: Tailwind classes will NOT override Obsidian's default styles
- Type Safety: Full TypeScript support with pre-configured types for Obsidian API
- Development Experience:
- Hot Module Replacement (HMR) for instant feedback
- Automatic plugin reloading in development vault
- Built-in development safeguards and verification
Initial Setup (Required)
# Install dependencies npm install # Run the setup script to configure your plugin npm run setup
The setup script will prompt you for:
- Plugin name
- Description
- Author name
- Author URL
This will automatically:
- Update package.json with your plugin's name
- Generate manifest.json with your plugin's metadata
npm run dev
This will:
- Create the plugin directory in your development vault
- Build your plugin in development mode
- Watch for changes
- Hot reload the plugin in your development vault (MAKE SURE TO ACTIVATE THE HOT-RELOAD PLUGIN)
Production Build
npm run build
This creates a production build of your plugin.
- Source codemain.ts
- Plugin entry pointmodules/
- Plugin modules and components
- Static filesmanifest.json
- Plugin manifest (auto-generated)
- Development vault for testing
This template includes automatic verification to ensure:
- Setup script has been run before development
- Plugin name consistency across package.json, manifest.json, and plugin directory
- All required plugin metadata is present
If you encounter errors about missing setup or mismatched names, run:
npm run setup
VS Code is recommended with the following extensions:
Due to the way Tailwind v4.x beta works, some Tailwind classes will work while others won't, particularly when trying to override default Obsidian styles. This is a known limitation and is being investigated for a potential fix.
Make sure the Hot-Reload plugin is active in your Obsidian vault. This plugin is required for the development hot-reloading functionality to work properly.
Restart Obsidian and try activating your plugin again. There are some temporary files that can cause issues with plugin activation.