Docker image of squid based on a bookworm debian-slim image.
The Goal of this repo is to build a debian based docker running always the last version of squid release.
A recent security Audit was made on Squid showing multiple vulnerabilities. Most of them are not resolved yet. Thanks to the work of squid team some of them are patched on recent releases 6.X but most linux distro do not have a recent squid package available. The goal of those builds is to provide a simple running docker image resolving security issues patched on new squid releases.
All docker image are build with the following format :
For instance for Squid version 6.9
the first image tag will be 6.9.0
If minor changes are made to the docker (without changing the squid version) last degit will be incremented.
It's recommanded to use docker compose to run this application. Install documentation
Use the provided docker-compose.yml or create docker-compose.yml
container_name: squid
image: misterbabou/squid:latest
restart: unless-stopped
- 3128:3128
- TZ=Europe/Paris #Set your timezone
#- LOGROTATE_RETENTION=30 #Days retention for squid log; default is 30
- ./conf:/conf
- ./cache:/var/spool/squid
- ./log:/var/log/squid
Run the application
docker compose up -d
change the default configuration in ./conf/squid.conf
docker exec squid bash -c "/usr/sbin/squid -f \${SQUID_CONF} -k parse"
docker exec squid bash -c "/usr/sbin/squid -f \${SQUID_CONF} -k reconfigure"
✔️ Logrotate log files (added in 6.9.1)