Code Brewers Hackathon 2024 - FullStack Track
Features -
1 - Code Playground and Question Bank - User can start solving any question they want from the question bank - User can give their own input and see the output - Users will get the output and the performance metrics of their code - Users can upload their own questions and test cases
2 - Code Battleground - Users can participate in the contest going in the website - Users can see the leaderboard - Users can conduct their own contest
3 - Security - Malicious code protection in the backend
4 - User Experience - Dark Mode - User Friendly UI - Vim Mode - Code editor with syntax highlighting and auto completion - Forum to discuss
|-- .gitignore
|-- docker
|-- c
|-- Dockerfile
|-- cpp
|-- Dockerfile
|-- java
|-- Dockerfile
|-- javascript
|-- Dockerfile
|-- python
|-- Dockerfile
|-- rust
|-- Dockerfile
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
|-- src
|-- Backend
|-- .env
|-- app.js
|-- auth
|-- passport.js
|-- controllers
|-- authController.js
|-- codeExecutionController.js
|-- middleware
|-- globalLimiter.js
|-- models
|-- User.js
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
|-- routes
|-- authRoutes.js
|-- codeExecution.js
|-- utils
|-- fileCleanup.js
|-- passwordUtils.js
|-- Frontend
|-- eslint.config.js
|-- index.html
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
|-- src
|-- assets
|-- images
|-- hero_image.jpg
|-- components
|-- FeaturesSection
|-- FeaturesSection.jsx
|-- Footer
|-- Footer.jsx
|-- HeroSection
|-- HeroSection.jsx
|-- Landing
|-- Landing.jsx
|-- Layout
|-- Layout.jsx
|-- Navbar
|-- Navbar.jsx
|-- main.jsx
|-- main.scss
|-- routes
|-- App.jsx
|-- pages
|-- Addquestionpage.jsx
|-- Codingpage.jsx
|-- Contestpage.jsx
|-- Homepage.jsx
|-- Questionpage.jsx
|-- Userpage.jsx
|-- vite.config.js
|-- solutions
|-- solutions
|-- solutions.c
|-- solutions.cpp
|-- solutions.js
|-- src
|-- solutions