This program allows to enumerate triangles in large graphs based on randomized algorithms using SQL on columnar DBMS Vertica
The data set to use need to be in the following manner:
v1 <- 1 space -> v2
For example:
1 2
3 2
5 6
In order to execute file, be sure to have vertica_db_client in use otherwise you need to modify the connection statement in the file fo feet with your vertica-python client
You need also to specify the graph orientation, whether it is directed or undireted
python path/to/Data_set directed/undirected
In order to execute file, be sure to have vertica_db_client in use otherwise you need to modify the connection statement in the file fo feet with your vertica-python client
Besides the path to the data set and the path to the triplet file, you need to specify the graph orientation, whether it is directed or undireted
python path/to/Data_set triplet/triplet8.txt directed/undirected