cordova-plugin-rongcloud-im的ionic2 ionic-native封装
Install the Cordova and Ionic Native plugins:
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-rongcloud-im
Alternatively, you can install the latest version of the plugin directly from git:
ionic cordova plugin add
- Android
- iOS
The plugin is available via a global variable named RongCloudLibPlugin
. It exposes the following properties and functions.
All functions accept optional success and failure callbacks as their final two arguments, where the failure callback will receive an error string as an argument unless otherwise noted.
The dist directory will contain a sub directory @ionic-native with all the packages compiled in there. Copy the package(s) you created/modified to your app's node_modules under the @ionic-native directory. (e.g. cp -r dist/@ionic-native/plugin-name ../my-app/node_modules/@ionic-native/).
Add Plugins to Your App's Module
After installing a plugin’s package, add it to your app’s NgModule.
import { RongCloudLibPlugin } from '@ionic-native/rongcloud';
providers: [
export class AppModule { }
import { RongCloudLibPlugin } from '@ionic-native/rongcloud';
constructor(private rongcloud: RongCloudLibPlugin) { }
this.rongcloud.init({appKey: "yourappKey"}).then((result)=>{
if (result.status == 'success'){
token: "yourtoken"
alert( JSON.stringify(ret) );
alert( JSON.stringify(ret) );
** RongCloud IMLib Plugin for Cordova: **