Fiber Admin is a rapid development platform for building management systems based on Fiber + MongoDB + Redis, provides a set of common features such as user management, role management, documentation management, etc.
├── main.go # Entry point
├── docs # Swagger API documentation
├── cmd # Command line interface
├── configs # Configuration files
├── internal # Source code
│ ├── app # Application
│ └── pkg # Internal packages
│ ├── api # API Layer
│ ├── config # Configuration
│ ├── dao # Data access object
│ ├── domain # Domain Layer
│ │ ├── entity # Entity Struct
│ │ └── vo # Value Object Struct
│ ├── errors # Error handling
│ ├── middleware # Middleware
│ ├── router # Router Layer
│ ├── service # Business Logic Layer
│ ├── tasks # Scheduled tasks
│ ├── validator # Request validation
│ └── wire # Dependency Injection
├── pkg # Common packages
│ ├── cron # Cron encapsulation
│ ├── errors # Custom error
│ ├── jwt # JWT encapsulation
│ ├── mongo # MongoDB encapsulation
│ ├── prometheus # Prometheus encapsulation
│ ├── redis # Redis encapsulation
│ ├── utils # Common utils
│ └── zap # Zap encapsulation
└── test # Test files
- Fiber: Provides a high-performance, minimalist web framework for building RESTful APIs.
- MongoDB: Used as the primary database for storing and retrieving data.
- Redis: Provides caching capabilities.
- Casbin: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for managing user permissions, provides a flexible access control model.
- Zap: A fast, structured logging library for detailed and efficient logging.
- Viper: Used for configuration management, allowing easy configuration handling.
- Wire: Dependency injection framework.
- Swagger: Integrated for API documentation, allowing automatic generation of API docs.
- Cron: Scheduling library for running scheduled tasks.
- Cobra: Framework for creating powerful modern CLI applications.
- Prometheus: Monitoring and alerting toolkit to track application performance and health.
- RESTful API: Provides a RESTful API for interacting with the system.
git clone
cd fiber-admin
go mod tidy
To generate, run:
swag init
To generate, run:
wire gen ./internal/pkg/wire
To run the application, run:
go run main.go
Here are the available command line parameters:
: Specify the configuration file--port
: Specify the port to listen on (default is 8080)--host
: Specify the host to listen on (default is localhost)--log-level
: Specify the log level (default is info)--tls
: Enable TLS (default is false)--tls-cert-file
: Specify the TLS certificate file path (default is empty)--tls-key-file
: Specify the TLS key file path (default is empty)
go run main.go --config config.yaml --port 8080 --host --log-level debug --tls --tls-cert-file cert.pem --tls-key-file key.pem