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General-purpose lints

Use of dylint_linting's constituent feature

The general-purpose lints use dylint_linting's constituent feature. This allows the lints to be built in either of the following two configurations:

  • as individual libraries
  • as a single, combined general library

However, some additional organization of both the general directory and its subdirectories is required.

For the general directory itself:

  • Each lint is listed under [dependencies] in general/Cargo.toml
  • Each lint is listed under [workspace.members] in general/Cargo.toml
  • Each lint's register_lints function is called from the register_lints function in src/

For each lint subdirectory:

  • The following files do not appear, even though they would be created by cargo dylint new:
    • .cargo/config.toml
    • .gitignore
    • rust-toolchain
  • The lint's Cargo.toml has the following [lib] section (note: crate-type is not just ["cdylib"]):
    crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]
  • The lint gets its clippy_utils dependency from the workspace, i.e.:
    clippy_utils = { workspace = true }
  • The lint's Cargo.toml has the following [features] section:
    rlib = ["dylint_linting/constituent"]