restore original vim options restore original visual mode restore original cursor pos including where 'o'posit pos in visual mode. count aware undoable for continuous move by one 'undo' command. care when move across corner( TOF,EOF, BOL, EOL )
- by adjusting cursor to appropriate value u => TOF d => EOF r => EOL(but be care this!) l => BOF
Supported: [O: Finish][X: Not Yet][P: Partially impremented]
normal_mode: [O] duplicate line to above, below
visual_line('V', or multiline 'v': [O] duplicate line to above, below [O] move righ/left [O] undoable/count
visual_block(C-v): [O] move selected block to up/down/right/left. ( but not multibyte char aware ). [X] count support, not undoable
111111|BBBBBB|111111 000000|AAAAAA|000000 666665|FFFFFF|666666 777777|CCCCCC|777777 888888|DDDDDD|888888 222222|000000|222222 555556|000000|555555 333333|000000|333333 444444|000000|444444 000000|000000|000000 111111|000000|111111 333333|NNNNNN|333333 444444|OOOOOO|444444