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Experimental desktop JSCAD (openjscad) client, built using Electron

A LOT OF THE THINGS HERE CAN AND WILL CHANGE!! This softare is pre-alpha, use at your own risk etc !


  • this app works pretty much like the web based JSCAD (but does not included a text editor, see below)
  • it automatically saves & reloads most settings and the last design you were working on on restart
  • there is basic theming support (only two are present, you can change them but not add more at this time)
  • uses the shiny new 3D viewer based on regl
  • uses most.js observables & a declarative approach internally

what is supported:

  • almost all of the features of JSCAD web EXCEPT the things in the paragraph below

what is not supported

script handling

  • you can either select a file (jscad or js) or folder from the load jscad menu or drag & drop a file or folder
  • the lookup in folders is done as follows :
    • if there is a package.json file, the file specified in the 'main' field is used (standard node.js)
    • if there is no package.json the program tried to look for either an index.js/jscad file or a main.js/jscad file
    • if that fails it tries to look for a js/jscad file that has the same name as the folder
  • unlike the web based UI you can (and are encouraged to) use jscad designs defined as common.js modules, so you can use require(<moduleName>) calls to include other functions, shapes etc
  • in your main file, when using common.js modules please use named exports ie : javascript module.exports = {main, getParameterDefinitions}
  • VERY IMPORTANT : if you use common.js modules you HAVE to require() all the JSCAD packages you use (like @jscad/csg etc) yourself: if the app detects that you do not have module.exports, then it will inject all the JSCAD api itself, with a MAJOR limitation at this time: you cannot make require() calls from anything but the root level file, and you do not have access to the API (this will get fixed)

there will NOT be out of the box support for es6 modules anytime soon, please use a transpiler (Babel.js etc) if you want to use es modules

geometry caching

this is an experimental feature that adds a HUGE performance boost by turning the various geometry creation functions (so cube(), sphere(), union(), difference() etc into a virtual tree, and caching each of the items in the tree when evaluating the tree into actual csg/cag object you can see more information about it here

Tip: to take even more advantage of this feature, please have your main() script return an array of shapes if there are multiple independant shapes/parts, as union() operations are more costly

This desktop app also saves your current design's cache to the hard drive, making a reload after restarting the app very fast! IF you follow the instructions/limitations below


  • LIMITATION 1 : this ONLY WORKS WITH THE FUNCTIONAL API !! ie cube(), sphere(), union(), difference(), translate(), scale() etc but NOT CSG.cube(), csgObject.union(xxx), csgObject.translate(xxx)

  • LIMITATION 2: because of the limitation above you CANNOT mix the two coding styles: so this is FUNCTIONAL API ONLY, NO MIXING !! since the non functional api will become deprecated soon, this is future facing decision regardless :)

How to use it : (temporary instructions)

Note: this is experimental, and somewhat clunky, will VERY LIKELY change in the future !!!

1 - with explicit require() calls (prefered method)

  • toggle the 'Experimental geometry caching:' setting in the options panel (turned off by default)

  • install the following package in your design

    npm install kaosat-dev/jscad-tree-experiments

  • replace your require('@jscad/csg/api') calls with require('@jscad/vtree').api

  • example :

    this script

      const {cylinder} = require('@jscad/csg/api').primitives3d
      const {color} = require('@jscad/csg/api').color
      const {difference} = require('@jscad/csg/api').booleanOps
      const {translate} = require('@jscad/csg/api').transformations
      module.exports = function assemblyMount (params) {
        const {plateThickness, plateOffset, assemblyMountDia, assemblyMountBoltDia} = params
        return translate([0, 0, plateThickness], color('gray',
            cylinder({h: plateOffset - plateThickness, d: assemblyMountDia}),
            cylinder({h: plateOffset - plateThickness, d: assemblyMountBoltDia})

    should become

      const {cylinder} = require('@jscad/vtree').api.primitives3d
      const {color} = require('@jscad/vtree').api.color
      const {difference} = require('@jscad/vtree').api.booleanOps
      const {translate} = require('@jscad/vtree').api.transformations
      module.exports = function assemblyMount (params) {
        const {plateThickness, plateOffset, assemblyMountDia, assemblyMountBoltDia} = params
        return translate([0, 0, plateThickness], color('gray',
            cylinder({h: plateOffset - plateThickness, d: assemblyMountDia}),
            cylinder({h: plateOffset - plateThickness, d: assemblyMountBoltDia})

    you can find an example design that uses these imports and makes full use of the speedups here:

2 - For old still scripts without explicit require() calls

just toggle the 'Experimental geometry caching:' setting in the options panel (turned off by default) be warned however that a lot of the official examples etc will not work with this out of the box


This version of Jscad has support for multiple languages (as in text for the UI, not programming languages):

  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Croatian

you can find the language files in the locales folder

  • Language will default to your system's locale
  • feel free to add pull requests if you see issues with the current translations or if you want to add translations for another one !
  • in the near future this will also be available for the non-desktop versions!

pre-alpha, expect bugs!

Table of Contents


For now , dev mode only!

git clone
npm install
npm test


For now , dev mode only!

To start the app, in the root folder , type

cd packages/desktop
npm run dev
  • drag & drop a jscad/js file to get started
  • left/right drag to rotate camera
  • shift + drag to pan
  • double click to reset camera & controls
  • tripple click to zoomToFit on the items in the scene
  • there are also keyboard shortcuts for camera angles and orthographic/perspective you can take a look at them & change them in the data/keybindings.json file (requires restart)

  * t : top view

  • b : bottom view
  • l : left view
  • r : right view
  • f: front view
  • b: back view (yes 'b' is bound to both bottom & back views, whoops)
  • warning ! panning is broken in orthographic mode
  • p: perspective projection
  • o: orthographic projection
  • most of the ui options should be explicit


The various JSCAD packages and all source code are part of the JSCAD Organization, and maintained by a group of volunteers. We welcome and encourage anyone to pitch in but please take a moment to read the following guidelines.

  • If you want to submit a bug report please make sure to follow the Reporting Issues guide. Bug reports are accepted as Issues via GitHub.

  • If you want to submit a change or a patch, please read the Contributing Guide. New contributions are accepted as Pull Requests via GitHub.

  • We only accept bug reports and pull requests on GitHub.

  • If you have a question about how to use JSCAD, then please start a conversation at the JSCAD User Group. You might find the answer in the User Guide.

  • If you have a change or new feature in mind, please start a conversation with the Core Developers and start contributing changes.

Small Note: If editing this README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


The MIT License (MIT) (unless specified otherwise)