enable_verifiable_state |
bool |
Set to true if block chain should calculate state hashes so that state is fully verifiable at each block. |
[optional] |
enable_verifiable_receipts |
bool |
Set to true if block chain should calculate receipts so that state changes are fully verifiable at each block. |
[optional] |
currency_mosaic_id |
string |
Mosaic id used as primary chain currency. |
[optional] |
harvesting_mosaic_id |
string |
Mosaic id used to provide harvesting ability. |
[optional] |
block_generation_target_time |
string |
Targeted time between blocks. |
[optional] |
block_time_smoothing_factor |
string |
A higher value makes the network more biased. |
[optional] |
block_finalization_interval |
string |
Number of blocks between successive finalization attempts. |
[optional] |
importance_grouping |
string |
Number of blocks that should be treated as a group for importance purposes. |
[optional] |
importance_activity_percentage |
string |
Percentage of importance resulting from fee generation and beneficiary usage. |
[optional] |
max_rollback_blocks |
string |
Maximum number of blocks that can be rolled back. |
[optional] |
max_difficulty_blocks |
string |
Maximum number of blocks to use in a difficulty calculation. |
[optional] |
default_dynamic_fee_multiplier |
string |
Default multiplier to use for dynamic fees. |
[optional] |
max_transaction_lifetime |
string |
Maximum lifetime a transaction can have before it expires. |
[optional] |
max_block_future_time |
string |
Maximum future time of a block that can be accepted. |
[optional] |
initial_currency_atomic_units |
string |
Initial currency atomic units available in the network. |
[optional] |
max_mosaic_atomic_units |
string |
Maximum atomic units (total-supply * 10 ^ divisibility) of a mosaic allowed in the network. |
[optional] |
total_chain_importance |
string |
Total whole importance units available in the network. |
[optional] |
min_harvester_balance |
string |
Minimum number of harvesting mosaic atomic units needed for an account to be eligible for harvesting. |
[optional] |
max_harvester_balance |
string |
Maximum number of harvesting mosaic atomic units needed for an account to be eligible for harvesting. |
[optional] |
min_voter_balance |
string |
Minimum number of harvesting mosaic atomic units needed for an account to be eligible for voting. |
[optional] |
max_voting_keys_per_account |
string |
Maximum number of voting keys that can be registered at once per account. |
[optional] |
min_voting_key_lifetime |
string |
Minimum number of finalization rounds for which voting key can be registered. |
[optional] |
max_voting_key_lifetime |
string |
Maximum number of finalization rounds for which voting key can be registered. |
[optional] |
harvest_beneficiary_percentage |
string |
Percentage of the harvested fee that is collected by the beneficiary account. |
[optional] |
harvest_network_percentage |
string |
Percentage of the harvested fee that is collected by the network. |
[optional] |
harvest_network_fee_sink_address |
string |
Address encoded using a 32-character set. |
[optional] |
block_prune_interval |
string |
Number of blocks between cache pruning. |
[optional] |
max_transactions_per_block |
string |
Maximum number of transactions per block. |
[optional] |