- Just
- That (one max per paragraph) or "that this"
- Already
- Actual / Actually
- Think
- Pretty
- Really
- To be
- Would / Would be (one per paragraph) -> [word]-ed
- Great
- Got
- Around
- A lot
- Very
- Thing / everything
- Much
- Unfortunate / fortunate
- Nice
- More
- Many
- Some
- Mainly
- May -> Will (or remove)
- Maybe -> Are (or remove)
- Can (one per paragraph)
- Try
- Still
- Like / Likely
- Probably
- Typically
- Thought
- Also
- Was -> word(ed) (on per paragraph)
- Away
- Eventually
- Considered
- Now
- Perhaps
- This (one per paragraph) -> the
- Had / had to (one per paragraph)
- Once
- Continue
- It -> Noun instead
- Only
- Allow
- Should
- Both
- Attempting
- Other / Others
- Almost
- I think
- I believe
- It seems
- Seem to
- At the time
- Will be -> is (make present)
- "Of course"
- "This means that"
- "Screenreader" filter - use a screenreader and adjust to taste, eliminating awkardness
- "And" filter - walk write to convert "and" into "ing" or eliminate the conjuction completely
- "Or" filter - walk write to convert "or" into "ing" or eliminate the conjuction completely
- "Of" filter - walk write to eliminate "of" if repeating in the same sentence
- "Can" filter - walk write to eliminate "can" completely
- "ly" filter - walk write to eliminate advrbs and modifiers that fill the writing without substance
- "to" ... "to" .. - cap sentence.
- "Active voice" filter - walk write and flip verbs -> nouns to nouns -> verbs
- Scan for Escher sentences - Example: "More people been to Berlin than have I."
- Scan for tautologies - Example: "Your best bet is to make the right choice."
- Look for incomplete thoughts, how sentences may not resolve, how paragraphs are muddled.
- Zugzwang
- Reify
- Luddite
- Exemplar
- Promulgate