REP-0021 Title: Propose Cancun EIPs on Ronin Author: Ronin Core Team Type: Standard Track Status: Approved Created: 2024-08-01
This proposal specifies the activation of Cancun features on Ronin.
The process of incorporating changes allows Ronin to introduce new features in Ethereum. With this REP, our intention is to enhance our network by integrating a selection of EIPs.
This REP includes the following EIPs:
- EIP-1153: Transient storage opcodes
- EIP-5656: MCOPY - Memory copying instruction
- EIP-6780: SELFDESTRUCT only in same transaction
- EIP-4844 - Shard blob transaction
- EIP-7516 - BLOBBASEFEE opcode
We make some modifications for EIP-4844 to adapt with Ronin consensus, for further details, refer to REP-0019.
The new feature does not affect the security of Ronin.
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