Export Draw.io diagrams using docker
Recursive export
Partial export (newer, or based on git reference)
Additional export formats with link extraction
draw.io export formats : jpg, pdf, png, svg, vsdx, and xml
drawio-exporter additional formats
adoc - Export in png and create an additional asciidoc file (with support external links).
md - Export in png and create an additional markdown file (with support external links).
Check installed fonts list from drawio-desktop-headless docker base image.
Want a new font package, modify the drawio-desktop-headless project. |
Print the available options
docker run -it rlespinasse/drawio-export --help
Simple run with default options
$ cd directory-with-drawio-files
$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data rlespinasse/drawio-export
+ export file : ./file1.drawio
++ export page 1 : Page-1
+++ generate pdf file
++ export page 2 : Page 2
+++ generate pdf file
rlespinasse/drawio-export-headless as base docker image to use Draw.io Desktop for its command lines,
drawio-exporter as backend for export capabilities.
GitHub Action drawio-export-action : which is build on top of drawio-export docker image.