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Accenture Mumbai

Borge Levisberg borgelevisberg17
Desenvolvedor mobile e web, tenho experiências com .NET MAUI, php e outras linguagens.
Ahmed Mohsen Ahmed-Mohsen-2005
Data science and AI student | Data analyst

Zewail university

Jyotishankar Patra jyotishankar04
Full stack web dev: Crafting digital worlds with HTML, CSS, and a touch of JavaScript magic

Balasore, Odisha

Timothy Chai tchai17
Web Developer specializing in Java, C#, and React
Ali Magdy alimagdye
CS Student | Front-End Dev | JS Dev


JS JStk-Dev
🎓 Student & 🔬 Researcher in automation 🤖 and ML 📊

JS Somewhere in the World

Handika handicca
Tetap ngoding walau AI bisa ngoding juga.

Scroll Fesnuk Indonesia


SIMM Shanghai

Ah! Just a CREEPER. (And struggling with non-Chinese github...)
Snowmank23 Muaytie23

International bank Cayman islands

Taylor Newkirk TNwkrk
33 year old father of 2 amazing boys... Student at Ivy Tech studying Software Development. Inside sales representative at B&H Electric in Seymour, IN.

B&H Electric Seymour, IN


Koopa kreaut
1. 🧑‍🎓 Freshman to GitHub 2. 📓 Learning ..
Mohammed Idris midris360
Software Developer | SQL | QA

McKinney, TX

Doddy Maulana Wigard
Front-End at Alagas Network

@alagasnet Binjai, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Emmanuel Barrera BarreraSlzr
Computer Science Engineer Working as Fullstack Engineer. Typescript & React ❤

Former Robert Bosch Software Engineer Guadalajara, México

OtiliaNicola OtiliaNicola
🌐 Front-End Developer - Angular | TypeScript | Ionic | JavaScript


HARI PRASATH N T zogratis17
Nerdy by nature, innovative by instinct | SNSCE '26 | Tech Enthusiast

SNSCE Coimbatore, India