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Dave Bunten d33bs
Software Developer with the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

University of Colorado Anschutz Denver, CO

Eric Shapiro shapeseas
Currently reading: The Obelisk Gate by N.K. Jemisin, part of the Broken Earth Series

Philadelphia, PA

Martins Nwanakwere martolini1124
An active learner. Software engineer
Nobin Sarwar smsnobin77
PhD student (CS) Working on Generative AI.
Derek C. Zoladz dzoladz
Focusing on cultural heritage institutions: discovery applications, data (and metadata) wrangling, web development, process automation, and system integration.

Ohio Public Library Information Network Columbus, Ohio

Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]


Alexandre Erich Sébastien Georges aesgeorges
PhD Student in Environmental Engineering at the UC Berkeley. Interested in Fluid Mechanics and Remote Sensing for Climate Change Adaptation in the Caribbean

UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA

Marcel Stimberg mstimberg
Research engineer in computational neuroscience

ISIR / Sorbonne Université Paris, France

Kit Lewers kllewers
PhD'ing at CU Boulder in Information Science Department and BioFrontiers Institute. Working with NASA BioSCape. Previously in Yellowstone National Park

University of Colorado, NASA BioSCape, University of Florida (iDigBio), Planning Pod Boulder, CO

Rainya Mosher rainya
Actor, singer, writer, mother, software dev manager, gamer, disruptor. She/Her. Not all of us can save the world. Some of us must make it worth saving. ~RFM

Crystibal Creates Dallas, Texas, USA

Kyle Birchard node-econ
Economist, environmental technologist, entrepreneur

Portland, Oregon

open source dev team cheerleader + performance artist + star trek nerd + experimental electronics princess + tarot reader


CS Edwards CS-Edwards
I ♥️ trees: graphs/tree data structures & biological taxa
Tim Bonnemann planspark

Intellitics, Inc. San José, CA

Pedro V pedrohserrano
Data Steward at Maastricht University.


Tad Dallas taddallas

University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina