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Tim Mutkala timmedia
Physics MSc student

@City-OL Europe

Quentin Aslan quentin-aslan
Software engineer 🧑‍💻

Bell Montreal

Hannes Stöven traxo-xx

@auxmoney Düsseldorf, Germany

André Gernandt ager

@DBSystel Greifswald

Maren Westermann marenwestermann
Biological scientist turned machine learning engineer. @PyLadiesBerlin co-organiser @scikit-learn Contributor experience team member

Berlin, Germany

Jonas Pohl wtfcxt

@cxtsh Berlin

Elias Häußler eliashaeussler
$(curl -I -s | grep -i x-bio | cut -d' ' -f2-)

Münster (Germany)

Marc-Michel Münch Cranjah
#berlin #popculture #illustration #animation #graphicdesign #coding


Peter Höcherl HoePe999

Maxvorstadt, München

Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

Tobias Hargesheimer Tob1as
IT-System Engineer / DevOps Engineer

Deutsche Bahn | infraView GmbH Mainz, Germany

pixie pixelcmtd
I like Vim and trains.

@chrissxMedia /usr/bin/env WindowServer

Canoob Canoobi
CS student of computer science @ HWR Berlin and DB Systel

@dbsystel Germany

Sam sam302rk

DB Regio AG Germany, Baden-Württemberg

Lucas Heer lheer

DB Systel GmbH Frankfurt (Main)

Dennis Post dennispost

Software Developer @dbsystel Frankfurt am Main, Germany


@xatellite Europe

Alexander Kühn AlexanderKuehn

@Hanse-Mondial-GmbH Hamburg, Germany

Jonas Jonas449


👨‍💻 Keep calm and code on

@dbsystel Near Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Karsten Horsmann khorsmann
Devops Expert, Senior VoIP and System Engineer.

Germany / Hanover

Anja Helmbrecht-Schaar ahelmbr
🐝 Sustainability is key 💚

DB Systel GmbH Bavaria

Christian Heinrich cmlh

@Malform Adelaide, Australia

Max Buchholz 1Maxnet1

datagon GmbH Germany

iilei • jochen preusche iilei
Hamburg, Germany

Hamburg • Germany

Serge Croisé SergeCroise
Railway enthusiast 🚂 Pinchèvre (Normandie)

Daniel dringler
Data Scientist

Berlin, Germany

Forian Weiß FlorianWeissDev
Software Engineer


Maximilian Franzke mfranzke

@deutschebahn @dbsystel @db-ui Germany

Yunhe Yang YunheWolke

DB Systel GmbH Köln

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Tizian Maxime Weigt Tizian-Maxime-Weigt
Systemadministrator / ISP and Developer from Germany :3

@dbsystel Germany

Petra Schanz petra-schanz
Web Developer

DB Systel GmbH Frankfurt

Eric EricOddz

Deutsche Bahn Systel Berlin

Patrik Tesarik depate

@9elements Bochum, Europe