- Deprecated @opts, use #options now. This should be the prefered way of parameter exchange with the outer world.
- #params is now delegated to @parent_controller.
- The generator now is invoked as
rails g cell ...
- The `—haml` option is no longer available.
- The `-t` option now is compatible with the rest of rails generators, now it is used as alias for `—test-framework`. Use the `-e` option as an alias of `—template-engine`
Thanks to Jorge Calás Lozano <[email protected]> for patching this in the most reasonable manner i could imagine.
- Cells.setup now yields Cell::Base, so you can really call append_view_path and friends here.
- added Cell::Base.build for streamlining the process of deciders around #render_cell, see here
- added TestCase#in_view to test helpers in a real cell view.
- #render_cell now accepts a block which yields the cell instance before rendering.
- We no longer use TestTaskWithoutDescription in our rake tasks.