object l {
import annotation.effects._ import annotation.effects.pc._ import annotation.effects.state._
@loc() class Var(init: Lst) { var x = init }
@loc() abstract class Lst { def foreach(f: String => Unit): Unit @pure @pc(f.apply(%))
def map(f: String => String): Lst @pure @pc(f.apply(%)) = { val res = new Var(Nl) foreach(x => res.x = new Cns(f(x), res.x))
Function1[String, Unit] { def apply(x$1: String): Unit @mod(res) @pc(f.apply) }
res.x } }
object Nl extends Lst { def foreach(f: String => Unit): Unit @pure = () } @loc class Cns(hd: String, tl: Lst) extends Lst { def foreach(f: String => Unit): Unit @pure @pc(f.apply(%)) = { f(hd) tl.foreach(f) } } }
object l {
import annotation.effects._ import annotation.effects.pc._ import annotation.effects.state._
@loc() class Var(init: Lst) { var x = init }
@loc() abstract class Lst { def foreach(f: String => Unit): Unit @pure @pc(f.apply(%))
def map(f: String => String): Lst @pure @pc(f.apply(%)) = { val res = new Var(Nl) foreach(new Fun(res, f)) res.x } }
object Nl extends Lst { def foreach(f: String => Unit): Unit @pure = () } @loc class Cns(hd: String, tl: Lst) extends Lst { def foreach(f: String => Unit): Unit @pure @pc(f.apply(%)) = { f(hd) tl.foreach(f) } }
@loc() class Fun(vr: Var, f: String => String) extends (String => Unit) { def apply(s: String): Unit @mod(vr) @pc(f.apply(%)) = { vr.x = (new Cns(f(s), vr.x)) } }
import annotation.effects._ import annotation.effects.pc._ import annotation.effects.state._
import effects.colls._
val l = cns(1, cns(2, cns(3, nl)))
def f: Lst[Int] @infer = l.map(x => x + 1)
import annotation.effects._ import annotation.effects.pc._ import annotation.effects.state._
class B trait A { def store(b: B): Unit @store(this, b) }
def foo(a: A, b: B): Unit @infer = a.store(b)
def foo(a: A, b1: B, b2: B): B @infer = { var x = b1 def inner() = { a.store(x); x = b2 } inner() x }
def foo(a: A, b1: B, b2: B): B @infer = { var x = b1 def inner() = { a.store(x); x = b2 } x }
def foo(a: A, b1: B, b2: B): B @infer = { var x = b1 def inner() { x = b2; a.store(x)} inner() x }
def f = { val foo: C @refine = new C { def f(): Unit @pure = () } ; val x: C @refine = foo ; x } f: (C){def f(): Unit @scala.annotation.effects.pure} @scala.annotation.effects.state.mod(state.this.any) @scala.annotation.effects.refine @scala.annotation.effects.refine @scala.annotation.effects.refine
- while / do-while loops
- pattern matching
- return statements
- by-name params: functions with by-name params should (probably) always be be effect polymorphic. def f(a: => Int): Int @pc(a) = a
- varargs
- default arguments, effects of default getters
- try-catch (state effects)
or are they? it looks like
- companion apply should have the same effect as the constructor
- need syntax for that
check uses of sameParam. if it’s on ParamLoc (of PCLattice) or SymLoc (of StateLattice), it’s not needed, they override equals.
replacing local variables with their locality in effects:
def foo(a: A, b: B, c: C) { var x = b def inner(): Unit @store(a, x) @assign(x, c) { a.store(x); x = c } inner() }
The effect of the application `inner()` is `@store(a, b) @assign(x, c)`, i.e. the `x` in the store effect needs to be replaced!
- store, assign and loc annotations can refer to things out of scope
- for Function trees, the effects will refer to the arguments of the tree (“x”), but these should be re-mapped to the arguments of the apply method in the refinement (“x$1”)
import annotation.effects._ import annotation.effects.pc._ import annotation.effects.state._
abstract class A { def f(): Unit @pure }
// CRASH: refined effect is @loc(x) ==> packedType creates an ExistentialType to abstract over x
def foo(a: A): (Int => Int) @refine @pure @pc(a.f()) = { (x: Int) => { a.f(); x } }
// OK, this is what we actually wanted to test; the checker automatically infers a refined type for `f` WITH @pc(a.f()) !! // this can be verified by printing at pickler phase.
def foo(a: A): (Int => Int) @refine @pure @pc(a.f()) = { val f = (x: Int) => { a.f(); 1 } f }
def bar(x: Int): Int @infer = x + 1 def bar(a: A, x: Int): Int @infer = foo(a).apply(x)
@infer in subclass should not infer more precise than the overridden.
class C { def f: Int @noEff = 1 } class D extends C { override def f: Int @infer = 2 }
=> infers @eff, but doesn’t issue an error
- cannot refer to arguments or `this`, not in scope
import annotation.effects._ import annotation.effects.pc._ import annotation.effects.state._
@loc class D { }
@loc class C { @local var d: D = new D }
def f(c: C, d: D): Unit @mod(c) = { c.d = new D }
def f(c: C, d: D): Unit @store(c, d) @mod(c) = { // OK c.d = new D c.d = d }
def f(c: C, d: D): Unit @store(c, d) @mod(c) = { // effect does not conform c.d = d c.d = new D }
import annotation.effects._ import annotation.effects.pc._ import annotation.effects.state._
@loc abstract class C { def foo(): Unit @mod(this) def bar(): Unit @pc(this.foo()) @pure = foo() }
def t(c: C): Unit @infer = c.bar()
def t: Unit @infer = (new C { def foo(): Unit @mod() = () }).bar() def t: Unit @infer = (new C { def foo(): Unit @mod(this) = () }).bar() def t: Unit @infer = (new C { def foo(): Unit @mod(any) = () }).bar()
import annotation.effects._ import annotation.effects.pc._ import annotation.effects.state._
object l { trait Lst[+A] { def head: A @pure def tail: Lst[A] @pure def isEmpty: Boolean @pure def map[B](f: A => B): Lst[B] @pure @pc(f.apply(%)) = { if (isEmpty) Nl else new Cns(f(head), tail.map(f)) } }
@pure object Nl extends Lst[Nothing] { def head: Nothing @pure = throw new Exception(“head of empty list”) def tail: Lst[Nothing] @pure = throw new Exception(“tail of empty list”) def isEmpty: Boolean @pure = true }
@pure class Cns[+A](h: A, t: Lst[A]) extends Lst[A] { def head: A @pure = h def tail: Lst[A] @pure = t def isEmpty: Boolean @pure = false } }
import l._ var x = 1 def map1: Lst[Int] @infer = Nl.map(y => { x = 2; y })
val list = new Cns(1, new Cns(2, Nl)) def map1: Lst[Int] @infer = list.map(x => x + 1)
@infer class Counter { private var i = 0 def inc(): Unit @mod(this) @pure = { i = i + 1 } def get(): Int @pure = i }
def f1(c: Counter): Int @infer = { c.get() } def f2(c: Counter): Int @infer = { c.inc(); c.get() }
def map2(c: Counter): Lst[Int] @infer = list.map(x => x + c.get()) def map3(c: Counter): Lst[Int] @infer = list.map(x => { c.inc(); x + c.get() })
def map4(c: Counter): Lst[Int] @infer = { val d = c; list.map(x => { x + d.get() }) } def map5(c: Counter): Lst[Int] @infer = { val d = c; list.map(x => { d.inc(); x + d.get() }) }
@infer class A { @local var k: Counter = new Counter def setK(arg: Counter): Unit @pure @store(this, arg) = { k = arg } def ket(): Int @pure = k.get() def ink(): Unit @mod(this) @pure = k.inc() }
def set1(a: A): Unit @infer = { val b = a; b.setK(new Counter) }
val globalCounter = new Counter def set2(a: A): Unit @infer = { val b = a; b.setK(globalCounter) }
def kFaktory(): Counter @infer = { val c = new Counter; c.inc(); c } def set3(a: A): Unit @infer = { val b = a; b.setK(kFaktory()) }
def badFaktory(): Counter @infer = { val c = new Counter; globalCounter.inc(); c }
import annotation.effects._ import annotation.effects.state._
def f: Int @infer = 1
def g: Int @pure = f
var x = 1 def f(): Unit @infer = { x = 2 }
class C { var x = 1; def read: Int @infer = x; def incr(): Unit @infer = { x = 234} } val c1 = new C
def f1(c: C): Int @infer = c.read def t1: Int @infer = f1(c1)
def f2(c: C): Int @infer = { c.incr(); c.read } def t2: Int @infer = f2(c1)
class A { def f(): Int @eff = 0 }
val a = new A val a1: A @refine = new A { override def f(): Int @infer = 1 }
val a1: A { def f(): Int @noEff }
val f: (Int => Int) @refine = (x: Int) => 1
def m(a: A): Int @infer = a.f()
def m(a: A): Int @infer = { def n: Int @infer = a.f() n }
def t: Int @infer = a.f() def t: Int @infer = a1.f() def t: Int @infer = m(a) def t: Int @infer = m(a1)
def m(a: A): Int @infer = { def n: Int @infer = a.f() def o: Int @infer = { n } o }
// OK
def m(a: A): Int @pc() @infer = { def n: Int @infer = a.f() n }
def f: Int @infer = {eff(); 1} def f: Int @infer = {doXio(); 1}
val f81: (Int => Int => Int) @refine = (x: Int) => (y: Int) => x
val f = () => { doXio(); () => { eff(); 1 } } // outer: xio, noeff; inner :noxio, eff
abstract class C { def f: Int } val c: C @refine = new C { def f = 1 } // no refinement val c: C @refine = new C { def f: Int @infer = 1 } // C { def f: Int @noXio @noEff }
val x = 1 def f: Int @pure = x def f: Int @noEff @noXio = x
class E1 extends Exception class E11 extends E1 class E12 extends E1 class E2 extends Exception
val e1 = new E1 val e11 = new E11 val e12 = new E12 val e2 = new E2
def foo(): Int @infer = 1
def foo(): Int @infer = try { if (false) throw e1 else 1 }
def bar(): Int @infer = try { foo() } catch { case e: E1 => 3 }
def bar(): Int @infer = try { foo() } catch { case e: E2 => 3 }
def f(x: Int): Int @pc(x.+(2)) = x + 1
def f(x: Int): Int @pc(x.+(% : Int)) = x + 1
class A { def f(): Int @eff = 1 } class A1 extends A { override def f(): Int @noEff = 2 }
def f(a: A): Int @infer = a.f()
val someA = new A val someA1 = new A1
def g(): Int @infer = f(someA) def g(): Int @infer = f(someA1)
class A { def f(): Int @eff = 1 } class B extends A { override def f(): Int @noEff = 2 }
def m(a: A): Int @infer = a.f() def n(h: A): Int @infer = m(h)
val someA = new A val someB = new B
def test: Int @infer = m(someA) def test: Int @infer = m(someB) def test: Int @infer = n(someA) def test: Int @infer = n(someB)
def o(i: A): Int @infer = { val k = i; m(k) }
def f(): Int @infer = { val a: (() => Int) @refine = () => 1 a() }
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