Note: deploying a blueprint may create resources, and interfere with your existing subscription setup. For exploration: use an empty subscription.
In the Azure Portal:
- Search for 'Blueprints'
- Click 'Create'
- Select CAF Blueprint (Cloud Adoption Framework)
- Give a 'Name' and a 'Definition location' (select your Management Group or Subscription)
- (optional: Customize you Blueprint)
- Publish your Blueprint
- (optional: Assign your Blueprint to your subscription)
- (register resource provider 'Microsoft/Blueprint' for your target subscription)
- Get the Azure Powershell Blueprint module if needed:
Install-Module -Name Az.Blueprint
- Get the names of your Blueprints:
get-azblueprint | select name
- Get Blueprint object, e.g.:
$bp = get-azblueprint -managementgroupid [yourMgmtGrpId] -name [yourBpName]
- Get Blueprint artifacts, e.g.:
- Export Blueprint artifacts
export-azblueprintwithartifact -Blueprint $bp -OutputPath c:/temp/bp
Review the files in the resulting folder structure - Add your Blueprint to source control
- Adapt to your companies requirements / policy-mapping / taste; import and assign